What Enterprise products can learn from Small Biz!

When I worked extensively with small businesses, I lamented the lack of exposure to large-scale enterprise products and often craved the vastness, the impact, the sheer magnitude of it all. Since stepping into the world of enterprise products, my perspective has broadened significantly.

In small businesses, you're dealing with people who are both the buyers and the users of the product. These folks are incredibly passionate about how the product fits into their day-to-day operations and have sky-high expectations for the experience. Every design choice feels personal because it directly impacts their workflow.

In large enterprises, however, the buyers rarely ever use the products hands-on. The motivation to buy and the feedback loops for experience are vastly different. The actual users can end up frustrated because their voices are several steps removed from the decision-makers.

My experiences have emphasized the necessity of closing these divides. It’s imperative that we put as much love and craft into building enterprise products as we do for consumer or small business products.After all, any large enterprise is made up of individuals with similar motivations—they want to be more productive in their jobs and deeply appreciate it when they see this reflected in your offering!!

The recent feedback from one such user validates everything we strive for :)


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